
{ashley & dan} part two

i've known ashley since grade school...which was long enough ago for a world of things to change. somewhere between being a teenager and college and the four or so years past that, we became adults. (gulp.) ashley lives in chicago and teaches first grade. the thought of someone my own age being able to corral 20-some small children blows my mind. it was like i was talking to the same ashley i've always known...but i felt like i was watching the movie big. to see a dear friend so happy, so successful, so in love...it makes your heart swell up with pride.

i have to assume a large portion of ashley's happiness is a direct result of dan. he was so laid-back and fun! (and he put up with my camera invading his personal space for nearly two hours...) he was so sweet and playful with ashley.
i always love the latter half of my photos sessions best. 
it's when couples start doing cute things like this...all on their own.

cheers to ashley & dan!


{ashley & dan} part one

i hemmed and hawed over how to share these photos with you today. mostly because i loved way too many of them and was forced to limit myself (portion control has never been my forte).  i decided to compromise and make this a two-part series.

ashley and dan picked a perfect day for photos! i think they found the only sunny moment in an otherwise rainy week. this session just shouts springtime...


 the slightly overcast sky made for some awesome effects. 
canvas print? yes, please!

my faaaavorite.

 dan adores ashley...the "picks her up and carries her over mud puddles" variety.
such a gentleman!

stay tuned for part II...