
{dining for a difference}

this week, i had the privilege of attending a wonderful event called {dining for a difference}, hosted by the junior league of indianapolis (JLI). these ladies put on a fabulous evening and all proceeds went directly toward JLI's partnering charities and initiatives. 

guests arrived at tavern on south (a new restaurant near lucas oil stadium) where they were greeted with incredible hors d'oeuvres and drinks. there were tickets for amazing raffle prizes, a wine pull and photo opportunity (that's me, folks) before groups were shuttled to four local restaurants. 

guests split into groups and rotated between restaurants - hue dine, mo's, weber grill and the conrad - for a delectable dining experience.
literacy is one of JLI's main initiatives for 2011.

no JLI members were harmed during this event...but they did get in quite the workout, in heels no less.

a little photo booth action...guests loved the fun props the ladies provided!

i was so happy to volunteer for such a fun event and the gracious ladies of JLI.


{sarrah & david}

in honor of st. patrick's day (a day late, i know)...i thought i'd share photos of one of my favorite redheads! sarrah is truly a gem. she's sassy and hip and goooorgeous! i was so lucky to spend a month traveling around the mediterranean with her (and some other amazing girls too) back in 2009. sarrah might be the only person i know who can tell you all about greece and egypt before you arrive. she was so well-versed in european travel, so i stuck to her "like glue." right, ladies?

sarrah and her boyfriend, david (who's pretty rad himself...check out his band lovesick radio) were gracious enough to pose for my camera at the indianapolis museum of art (IMA). i wanted the results to be natural and industrial and a little less cliche (the IMA is a pretty sought-after photo spot!).

there is just so much love in these photos. i can't help but smile every time i look at them. don't you just adore these rich colors?

since sarrah is a talented dancer and david is a musician...they both wanted to incorporate a little something extra in a few photos.



ask anyone.

i am naturally a non-stop, long to-do list writing, always busy with something, "don't worry i can handle it by myself" kind of girl. i like to go go go. my days "off" are often filled with crafty projects i've been itching to start. or errands. or appointments. or reorganizing my storage closet/pantry/sock drawer. or some fun adventure i've plotted out in my mind. or vacuuming during commercial breaks. i'm just not a fan of sitting still for very long.

but occasionally, my brain slows down a bit and i just exist. quietly. calmly. 

it's a nice break to my otherwise overactive lifestyle (similar to overactive bladder...minus the need for depends). 

recently, i found myself in that rare, peaceful state and lounged in my bathrobe all day long. pretty glorious, right?  i was scheduled to have work obligations all weekend...so when that got done early, i had nothing else planned. i talked on the phone, i browsed the endless pit i like to call the internet and i drank tea for hours. lots and lots of tea.

let's rewind a bit...my fiancé and i squeezed a date night in late last saturday and stopped by the teavana store before our movie started (cedar rapids, if you were wondering...we were in the mood for easy laughs). i still can't decide if this idea was bad or pure genius. *for those of you who don't know, teavana sells delicious loose leaf tea in bulk and every sort of fancy tea "accessory" known to man.* the results thus-far have been nothing short of spectacular. the smell of white youthberry tea steeping in my kitchen is heavenly. this was a nice change of pace. 

after all...who doesn't need a little zen in their life, right?

raw german rock sugar...only the best thing since toasters and dry shampoo.


{the wagoner family}

i'm rooting for punxsutawney phil this week. i am absolutely ready for spring to arrive! this family session was shot last fall...after the leaves blew away and right before the brisk cold set in for the season. seeing all these beautiful, bare branches makes me smile...because i know the leaves are preparing to make a comeback!

i can't say enough about the wagoners. they were beyond sweet and full of energy! we had so much fun running around this local park in noblesville. enjoy!

i love it when families can let loose and be silly together!