
{ross boys - 6 months} preview

here's a quick look at what's next on my list...remember the adorable ross twins? i can hardly believe how fast these little guys are growing!

landon and logan - 6 months

stay tuned for more baby cuteness...coming soon!


{hot diggity}

it's really no secret....i am truly, madly, deeply in love with food. (yes, just like savage garden).

i find it much easier to pick foods i don't like as opposed to choosing my favorites. there are less than a handful of foods i don't care for. articulating my top 10 favorites, or a top 25 for that matter, would be nothing short of agonizing. "wait, brunch can't be considered one line on my list? but whhhyyyy?" i don't discriminate when it comes to trying something new...and therefore i love a wide variety of foods.

although, i supposed if my arm was twisted i could create a quick rambling of things i never seem to get enough of...eggs benedict, pan-seared scallops, hashbrowns, ginger steak salad, chicago dogs, chips & spicy salsa with a side of guac, insalata caprese...etc...wait, chicago dogs?

i know. i know. it seems a little unfair to have all that pretentious, homemade food lumped together with a pre-cooked piece of mystery meat. but i just can't get enough of that celery salted, all beef dog topped with simple yellow mustard, tomato slices, chopped onions, bright green relish, sport peppers and a crisp dill pickle...all cozy in a poppy seed bun. (my stomach is practically yelling for one right now) the only problem is, i do not live in chicago...so how do i satisfy my craving?


that's right...occasionally, i put on my big sunglasses and secretly drive to sonic and purchase my little slice of heaven. in my opinion, sonic has the most authentic chicago dogs in the state of indiana. i am by no means a fast-food connoisseur, but i'm certain they have perfected the foil packaging and toppings down to every last morsel. it's delicious work of edible engineering, folks.

 if you're feeling extra fancy, top it off with a cherry limeade. you won't be disappointed!


{mr. & mrs. keaney}

rising sun, indiana - it's quietly tucked in the corner of the state along the ohio river. most hoosiers have never heard of this little town, but it was perfect for this couple's beautiful spring wedding. with the sun shining and a breeze most brides could only wish for...friends and family witnessed tom and sheena's heartfelt ceremony. this couple spent so much time and effort making sure no detail was overlooked. from soothing ceremony music (compliments of the bride's brother and a close friend) to a home-style reception meal that could rival your grandma's recipes, they had a truly perfect day. 

take a peek at their beautiful wedding day!

the bride & groom's private "first look" before the ceremony
sheena with her gorgeous ladies

tom's fellas
sheena & tom - 
thank you for letting us capture the celebration of your special day...
wishing you both so much happiness!


{tom & sheena} wedding preview

so i decided about 6 months ago i was crazy brave enough to photograph weddings. i've been spending my evenings feverishly editing photos...but i couldn't resist sharing a few!

tom and sheena were married in late may near the quaint town of rising sun, indiana. the weather was incredible...perfect for their outdoor ceremony. i'm convinced they were more calm and collected on their wedding day than any bride and groom i've ever seen.

stay tuned for more!

meet tom & sheena

beautiful bride

seriously...this outdoor setting couldn't be more perfect!