
{taking charge}

oh, blog...sweet blog of mine...i'm sorry i've neglected you. life has been a little busy these days.  and busy is an understatement. i know what you're going to say...most some of it is self-inflicted. i know. but i promise my lack of blogging is not intentional. i am going to take charge and make you a bigger priority.

what's that famous saying?  
"i've always wanted to be a procrastinator...i just never got around to it."

cue the violin.

my weekends are filled with traveling (so much fun, but it leaves little to be desired if i don't share a little more)....

my days are chock full of work (have i mentioned i have a big kid job during the week?) p.s. big kid jobs are overrated...

my evenings are overflowing with photo editing, countless wedding meetings, snacking, more editing, making to-do lists, calling old friends, awkward attempts at baking, cleaning, packing/unpacking and more editing...

*note - don't get married and start a business and make giant life plans all in the same year*

so what's coming up?

and now...a tiny photo from last weekend. because a post is no fun without a photo. and because i like to show off my rarely clean hair and ridiculously cute fiancé.

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