
{dining for a difference}

this week, i had the privilege of attending a wonderful event called {dining for a difference}, hosted by the junior league of indianapolis (JLI). these ladies put on a fabulous evening and all proceeds went directly toward JLI's partnering charities and initiatives. 

guests arrived at tavern on south (a new restaurant near lucas oil stadium) where they were greeted with incredible hors d'oeuvres and drinks. there were tickets for amazing raffle prizes, a wine pull and photo opportunity (that's me, folks) before groups were shuttled to four local restaurants. 

guests split into groups and rotated between restaurants - hue dine, mo's, weber grill and the conrad - for a delectable dining experience.
literacy is one of JLI's main initiatives for 2011.

no JLI members were harmed during this event...but they did get in quite the workout, in heels no less.

a little photo booth action...guests loved the fun props the ladies provided!

i was so happy to volunteer for such a fun event and the gracious ladies of JLI.

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