

mother nature took an exceptionally deep, icy exhale over indiana this week. everything is still covered in a thick layer of smooth  -not to mention slippery- frozen water. thankfully, the temperature should rise to a balmy 30-some degrees this weekend...so maybe we'll thaw out before the next big snow hits.

i can't complain too much...i was granted a full day off work and had a few starbucks treats this week. (why did it still feel like the longest week ever?!) i caught up on blog reading, marked some line items off endless my never-ending list of "stuff to-do" and vacuumed every square inch of the carpet no less than three times this week. february is notorious for draaaaaaaagging on regardless of the fact that it's the shortest month of the year. here's to hoping a certain rodent, named phil, is on his a-game in 2011.

how did you spend your week during "icemaggedon?"

stay toasty, my friends!

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