
{jessica & beau}

why do i get the brightest ideas on days when it's nearly impossible to follow through? i decided a more "urban" photo shoot would be fun...in december no less. i checked the weekend weather and i was convinced they were confusing indiana with north dakota. "negative temperatures with blustery winds! stay inside, folks!" baaahhhh...what did the weatherman know? he's merely a professional guesser with arm motions rivaling vanna white.

thankfully, i know people like jess (my beautiful, pint-sized friend and former colts cheerleader). "hmmm...she might let me take photos of her." thankfully, she was more than happy to oblige and even suggested bringing her cute boyfriend along for the ride. they were eager for some fun photos, so they braved the freezing temperatures and met me downtown.

we started the session at kilroy's (where they met) and slowly made our way to monument circle. they were such troopers...because holy cow, it was cold...but i think they enjoyed the weather-induced snuggling.

when i took sideline photos at colts games, jess would never let me pass without giving at least one incredibly awesome face. classic.

my faaaaaavorite 
*and many thanks to kilroy's indy for featuring it on your facebook page*

endless thanks to jess and beau for enduring my cheesy one-liners and smiling while their faces were frozen!

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